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Footer bar

Documentation > User Manuals > v1.2.0 User Manual > User Interface

The Footer Bar is the entire strip at the bottom of the [[main window|v1.2 User Interface]]. It consists of a status bar, and clusters of controls for changing the brush and colour used for painting.

Status bar

Footer: Status Bar

The status bar at the bottom of the main window shows the current tool, and also the canvas’s zoom and rotation.

Colour controls

Footer: Colour controls

The colour controls are clustered into the bottom left of the footer bar. You can change the painting colour here, pick a colour off the canvas, or bookmark the current colour to the palette.

  • Eye Dropper button :new: Since MyPaint 1.2.0
    • Lets you quickly pick a colour to paint with from the canvas.
    • The R key, and pressing ALT+LMB offer similar functionality.
    • Main article: [[v1.2 Pick Colour]]
  • Current and Previous Colour indicator and menu (Colour → Change Colour…, or press C.)
    • These two coloured rectangles show the current brush colour, and the colour previously painted with.
    • Click the left-hand (current colour) swatch for a pop-up menu full of colour selectors.
    • The popup menu is the one revealed by the C key.
    • Click the right-hand (previous colour) swatch to revert back to that colour.
    • Main article: [[v1.2 Colour Selector Popup]]
  • Edit Colour Details button
    • Opens the Set Current Colour popup window
    • Change the numeric values of the current colour
    • Main article: [[v1.2 Numeric Colour values]]
  • Add Colour to Palette button (Colour → Add Colour to Palette)
    • Click this to add the current brush colour to the palette.
    • The palette will open in a sidebar panel if it isn’t already open.
    • Main article: [[v1.2 Palette]]
Brush controls

Footer: Brush controls

The brush controls are clustered into the bottom right of the footer bar. You can change your brush here, or pick a brush and layer from the canvas to continue work there.

  • Current Brush indicator and menu (Brush → Change Brush…, or press B.)
    • Shows the current brush’s icon.
    • Click the icon to reveal a pop-up menu from which every brush group is available.
    • The popup menu is the one revealed by the B key.
    • Main article: [[v1.2 Brush groups]]
  • Pick Stroke and Layer button
    • Allows you to pick a brushstroke from the screen.
    • If the stroke is on a different layer, MyPaint will switch to that layer.
    • Invisible and locked layers (and their brushstrokes) can’t be picked this way.
    • Not every kind of image has a strokemap.
    • The W key offers similar functionality.
    • Main article: [[v1.2 Pick Stroke and Layer]]